I wanna thank everybody who supported our upcoming film Flake & Flames – Kustom Kulture Film so far! Without all these great people it wouldn´t be possible to produce the documentary! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Todd Merrick, Von Sieben, Ramone Ballade Rodriguez, KustomGarage Italia, Dennis Freed, Holger Pille, Auge Sour, Voodoo Beat, Rainer Michael, Doug DoRr, Superskull Berlin, Gunnar Black, Sergio Stiletto, Roman Wolf, Etienne Butterlin, Jarmo Katila, Marc von Martial, Ger Peters, Adam Dorsett, Torsten Brueninghaus, Tim Albrecht, Ralf Becker, Pete Pihlajamaa, Chris Goertz, Marc Wnuck, Fuel Luke, Matias Roskos…